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Raster to Vector

 Raster to Vector

Raster to Vector, an image can be either be in raster or vector formats. Although these two

formats are not commonly known as such, the effects of both are well known everyone.

Images in the raster formats are usually file types represented as jpg, png formats and vector

formats are always in .ai file type. In the simplest terms, raster photos are those which break up

when zoomed into and vector photos are those that do not break when zoomed into. This is an

extremely important image editing service necessary for uses in printing of posters, banners,

billboards, and other advertisements requiring a large graphic display.

Vector graphics are geometrical shapes that can be manipulated to any size without any loss in

quality and attributes like color, outline or fill can be effectively edited. This realistic attribute of

vector graphics helps in creating imagery like logo, banner, signboards, and other graphical forms

and suitable for jobs where frequent changes are required. Vector images can also be converted

to pixel based bitmap or raster images with precision. If you are looking for good quality Vector

Image Conversion services at a reasonable and cost-effective price, Graphic Solves is the right

choice for you.
